Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Last weekend we had a meeting of the minds with Jay's parents and came up with the greatest idea that we get more and more excited about as we think about and plan it.

Traditional weddings used to have the guests line up and toss rice on the newlyweds symbolizing wishes of fertility. Studies have shown that rice is dangerous for the birds. Now there are substitutions of confetti or bubbles. We didn't want to clean up a big mess and Jay thinks bubbles are stupid (sorry for those who had bubbles at their wedding). So we decided that flower petals would be a wonderful substitute. They are biodegradable and they won't hurt birds or the newlyweds... it won't poke our eyes out. So look for a bucket of flower petals on your way out of the chapel.

We would like you to stick around to add this touch of celebration! THEN...

We will lead a caravan to the reception! My school is located 1 block away and the parking is a lot easier than driving in circles on Main Street. We will lead you over to the parking lot and guide you to the Annex. Our families will stick around and take some pictures (we promise not to be long! Really we want to get to the celebrating!).

We will meet you at the reception and get the party started right and quickly!


Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

I've been to weddings where bird seed has been thrown . . . but that's a decision unto itself because do you chose wild bird seed mix, the kind with sunflower seeds, or without . . . I'm not sure if you even want to go there. You can start a survey to see what is the most popular kind of birdseed and have that at your wedding. Get the opinion of the birds by leaving birdseed out for them and seeing what kind of seed they eat more of. This could be just a great classroom investigation altogether . . . sorry - posted this on the wrong blog.

edluv said...

"i'll do it if you buy a caravan for me ma."

Justin said...

can I bring my harem in the caravan?